
Delicious Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Muffins

After having the same protein shake with a sweet potato and strawberries (still very delicious) after each workout for about 6 months I was looking to get a little more creative with my post workout meal.  I have never considered myself much of a creative baker/cook but something about this process of prepping for my shows has unleashed a creative side in me that I didn’t realize was their.  Maybe it’s more the desperation to have some variety and find something good that fits into my macros or knowing that it has to taste better than the simple oats and egg white “pancake” that I have had during peak week.  But either way, I have felt much more adventurous in the kitchen…and so was born the chocolate peanut butter oat muffins 🙂

This really was a take on the oats and egg whites “pancake” that I make for peak week.  I knew I could make it more sweet and tasty for my non-peak week meals so I just started playing around with ingredients and this is what I ended up with.  I think this is one of my favorites too because I add in chocolate chips, and everything tastes better with chocolate chips!  The other REALLY COOL thing about this recipe is that it make 5-6 muffins and I get to eat ALL OF THEM as my post workout meal.  Keep in mind too that you can always tweak the ingredients to help you meet your specific macro needs (increase or decrease the oats to egg white ratio for example).  So without further ado here is the recipe!




Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Muffins

1/2 cup Liquid egg whites

1/2 cup Old Fashioned Oats

2 Tbsp Unsweetened Almond Milk (not pictured)

1 Scoop Advocare Muscle Gain- Chocolate

1 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

2 Tbsp PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 Tbsp FalvorGod Chocolate Donut Seasoning (optional)

3 Tbsp Stevia

Dash of salt

1 Tbsp Nestle Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels (to be added at the end once in the muffin pan)

  1.  Preheat oven to 450°
  2. I put all the ingredients, EXCEPT the chocolate morsels, into a container with a spout and then use my emersion blender to mix the snot out of it until it looks like a batter type consistency.
  3. Spray your muffin pain with a light cooking spray.  This usually makes about 5-6 muffins depending on how much I fill the pan.
  4. Pour the batter into the muffin pan using a spatula to scrap every last little delicious bit into the pan.  I try to aim for filling each about half way.
  5. Measure your Tbsp of morsels and then evening distribute into the muffins.  I usually drop in one at a time to make sure each muffin has about the same amount.
  6. Place the muffins in the oven center rack and cook for 10 mins.  Then DEVOUR once cooled slightly! 🙂



Total Calories (based on input from MyFitnessPal):  436

Fat: 11

Carbs: 55

Protein: 38

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