
Meal Plan…Do You Need One to Lose Weight?


So you’ve decided you want to lose some weight and you know that your diet is going to be a big part of that goal…now what?  Many people are unsure of where to turn when it comes to figuring out how to “eat healthy”.  There is A LOT of information (or sometimes just plain MIS-information) when it comes to what the “right” way is to eat for losing weight.  You might think that a pre-planned meal plan is the best way to help you with your weight loss goals.  It takes the guesswork out of what to eat and seems structured enough that you can’t go wrong…right?


When I take on a new client I sometimes get asked if I will do a meal plan for them.  I will first explain the concept of flexible dieting and educate on what the three macronutrients are and how to track them.  They will certainly receive guidance and suggestions on what foods to eat.   I want to make sure they get started on the right foot when new to tracking food.  I DO NOT hand out a meal plan.  Not because I’m lazy or don’t feel like it, but because I strongly feel I am doing my clients a disservice if I just hand them a cookie cutter meal plan.


Let me explain…


First of all, let me say…THE BEST diet is the one you will STICK TO!

Losing weight is first and foremost about being in a calorie deficit.  Second to being in a calorie deficit is adherence.  It doesn’t matter how “perfect” the diet plan is, if you can’t adhere to it then it is no good.  And when I say adhere to it, I mean creating a lifestyle. I’m not talking about just sticking it out for that 28 day challenge you heard your friend was doing.  That being said, some methods do work better than others, particularly when it comes to adherence.


One of my biggest goals for all my clients is to gain confidence and autonomy through learning and understanding the process.  If all I do is tell you exactly what to eat and how many times to eat, you will see results but, you won’t have learned anything in the process.  You also might become extremely bored with what you are eating and lose motivation.  All of this will lead to a lack of adherence to the plan.  You will end up being dependent on me consistently create a meal plan for you.


Often times a meal plan you purchase online will be a “one size fits all” kind of plan.  This may work for some but more often than not the plan is much too restrictive and structured to be a realistic option for achieving results.  Again, this comes down to the ability to stay adherent to this kind of plan.  This plan also likely will not take into consideration your personal preference or needs when it comes to meal timing.  Maybe you can’t, realistically, eat 6 times a day because of your job.  Not only that but how can one plan be for ALL people?  Each person’s macronutrient needs are different depending on a variety of factors including your diet history, metabolism, gender, and of course your fitness goals.


I want my clients to understand their food and be able to make choices that are personalized to their own taste profile.  It’s important to learn, not only what macronutrient are, but how these macros make up the food we eat.  I have done my best job if my clients feel they have the tools and the skillsets to be successful when they are done working with me.  They are then able to continue on their fitness journey.  To me, this is the epitome of success!


If it hasn’t been overtly obvious I am a BIG fan of flexible dieting.  This combined with good coaching can be the difference between a successful diet and just another plan that fell short.  Knowledge really is power.  The more you can understand and have control over your food experience the easier it will be for you to finally meet your fitness goals.


One thing I want to be clear is NOT to confuse a meal plan with meal preparation!  Even with flexible dieting, the more you plan the more successful you will be.  You make choices about what foods you eat and when but you still need to plan ahead.  Otherwise, you’ll find yourself trying to find that magical food that has just the right macro breakdown to reach your daily goal.  Trust me…this food does not exist.  But if you do some simple things like prepare your meals ahead and plan out your week then you will find it is a lot easier.  A little bit of effort goes a long way and takes the guesswork out of what to eat.  Download my super easy FREE meal planning template HERE to help you get ahead and plan for a successful week of healthy eating!


Happy eating my friend!  Until next time…






Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash


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