
4 Strategies to Stay Motivated and Finally Reach Your Goals

There is no such thing as being consistently motivated!  It’s downright impossible.  Motivation is short term.  It is a fleeting moment that gives you a quick burst of energy but then just as quickly dies down.


We can all find a quick jolt of motivation after reading a great quote or listening to an uplifting speech.  Sometimes motivation might come in the form of new workout gear or downloading a new workout playlist.  Those work GREAT…and I have definitely used them ALL in moments when I need a little extra pick me up.  But at the end of the day, ALL those things fade.  Like a drug, the initial excitement tapers off and you are left with what remains…just you and your goal.


So how does someone keep going and put in the work despite feeling tired or when life inevitably gets complicated?  It’s unrealistic to think that even with a strong desire to reach your goal that you won’t have times when you just don’t feel like it!  We’ve all been there.  When those waves of feeling off your game hit you, focus on these 4 simple strategies to help you stay driven and focused to finally reach your goals.




1. What’s your reason for achieving your goal?


Whatever is left underneath all the superficial and temporary motivational spikes needs to be a strong more deeply rooted purpose.  When someone tells you they are consistently motivated, what they really mean is they are dedicated.  They are dedicated to a strong meaningful purpose that continues to drive them towards their goal.


When motivation is lacking, without a strong purpose, it can be really easy to just push it back until the next day or just quit altogether.  To truly stay motivated you need to be able to tap into your REASON for wanting to be fit and healthy.


We all have a reason why we want to get healthy.  You may want to lose some weight or get stronger.  You may want to finally understand food and learn how to eat healthy.  This is something specific to you and no one else.  It pushes you to keep going.  Your WHY is your desire and connection to the person you want to become.


2.  Create a consistent routine.


As I return from a wonderful 5-day vacation with my husband I began to think about what helps me get back on track.  The biggest thing that came to mind is my routine.  This is so crucial for me!


Your routine ultimately becomes your “default” position.  On those days when you are feeling sluggish and just not feeling it, you can lean on your routine to get you through.  If you have a consistent routine regarding your workouts and eating then you won’t question whether you are going to do your workout or plan your meals.  You can just switch over to autopilot.  It stops being a choice so much as just part of what you do on a daily basis.


You don’t think about whether you are going to brush your teeth each morning…you just do it.  Same goes for your workouts and your diet.  This is especially true if you have a plan in place.  I have touched on this in a previous post.  Having a plan in place is extremely important in achieving your weight loss goals.  Creating a good routine and having a plan essentially go hand in hand.


*** Click here to get the basics on how to create your very own workout plan.



3.  Develop short and long term goals.


Nothing helps keeps you more focused than if you have clearly defined goals.  I find that setting smaller short-term goals that lead up to a larger long-term goal definitely helps with maintaining my overall motivation.  Setting ATTAINABLE (keyword) short term goals helps create small wins and allows you to see the bigger goal on the horizon.  Getting those small wins makes you want to keep going to see what else you can achieve.


Keep in mind that your long-term goal can change and evolve over time.  Maybe you finally got to your goal weight and have developed a love for weight training.  Now you might be thinking about entering a powerlifting competition!  This is the beauty of goal setting.  Once you hit your original long-term goal you might see other goals start to manifest that you never before considered.



4.  Accountability, accountability, accountability


You have most likely heard this before but it bears repeating here.  Find a way to be held accountable for your goals.  This is sort of like your last layer of protection against a dwindling inner motivation.


If this is going to be an actual person it needs to be someone you trust and value.  A person who supports you and genuinely has your best interest at heart.  Someone you feel at ease with who can lift you up when you are down but can also give you a swift kick when you start to doubt yourself or waiver on your commitment.


Sometimes accountability for you might not take the form of a specific person or even a person at all.  Sometimes just writing your goals down and getting them out of your head onto a piece of paper can make a huge difference.  Goals become more real when we speak them out loud or write them down.  You can then tape it to your wall or hang it on your mirror which can serve as a daily check in to your goal.


Other times using the powers of social media can be a strong accountability partner.  Posting about your workouts or new eating habits can be a strong motivator to stay on track.  Even more motivating is if you’ve made your fitness goals known and post about your progress.  Your friends and family can comment and help support you and keep you motivated.  This can also be a great way to document your progress and see how far you have come.


Lastly, one of the best forms of accountability is actually hiring a coach.  Paying someone who is extremely knowledgeable and understands your goals is often highly successful.  Money is motivating and you don’t want to let your coach or yourself down. You’ll be expected to check in each week and explain why you did or didn’t stay on track.  A coach is someone that will help you navigate those inevitable hurdles on your journey and provide you with valuable suggestions to help keep you moving towards your goals.


Regardless of what kind of accountability you choose, the key really is making sure that you have that extra layer of protection for yourself. Another layer to lean on when the inevitability of fading motivation hits you.





Having an off day, week, or even month is not uncommon.  Especially as we pursue long term goals that may take months to years before we finally reach them.  Instead of trying to stay motivated the entire time, think instead about drawing from the dedication you have to your goal.  These 4 strategies can help keep you more intrinsically motivated and focused so you can finally reach your goals and then some!


Until next time my friends…




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